Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Marble Mountain sighting

                                                              The Marble Mountain sighting

This Video footage of Bigfoot was taken in June, 2001 in northern Califorina by Jim Mills the leader of the youth group "Campus Life" on the annual Marble Mountains backpacking trip. This is the longest know video of bigfoot ever recorded. In no way was this faked or some kind of hoax.Ok lets talk about it.First they find a little hut and they think ''oh maybe bigfoot made it''.Second they find ''claw'' marks on the tree.Third they see a ''bigfoot'' walking no the ridge of the mountain.And this is one of the top three bigfoot sightings caught on video.Well let's talk about the ''bigfoot''.  

  1. The bigfoot is coned-headed
  2. When the bigfoot is between the trees you can see the bigfoot arm starts to keep on swaying    
     3.   You can barley see every part of the bigfoot  because of the sunlight


                                          My conclusion is that this is not fake,this is a real bigfoot                                                            

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bigfoot sighting in 2011 at Cowichan Valley,Vancouver Island

This is a movie in the area where in June of 2010 a man from Duncan BC had a Sasquatch Bigfoot Sighting at around the time of sunset.Well you're gonna click the thing that says ''watch the next movie'' on your top right corner.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bigfoot in Washington

    The Silver Star Mountain Photos  

      This is only best photo you'll find in Washington state.This photos Where taken my a man named Randy Chase.The date was November,17,2005.You can see in the first picture on your left the bigfoot was acting like a rock (or just leaning down) .If you look up closley you can see chest muslues.

 Ok let's talk about the second picture,with is at the very bottem you can see the bigfoot in
standing up this picture was taken 30 seconds after the first picture.

Ok let's talk about the third picture.Witch in on top of us right now.The bigfoot has turned 3 quarters from it was standing.Then it was gone. Well that its.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Every Bigfoot Picture

                                                    Hey I have a movie of Every bigfoot picture .

                       I know that some pictures are people in costume.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Welcome to Bigfootsightings-sg

If you are looking for a website about Bigfoot,here it is.I wanna show you the PG flim.

And here is a picture.

Bigfoot in Florida

This is a sighting in Florida that was taken in July 8,2000.You can see the the ''skunk ape'' is a coned-headed,that lets me know that it could be a bigfoot.And the arms they are so long,that could not be a human's arm. So this can be a '' skunk ape''.